Those who plant in tears will harvest SHOUTS OF JOY. They weep as they plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the HARVEST.

Psalm 126:5-6

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

16 weeks 1 Day

Yesterday I had my monthly doctor's appt. I wasn't really nervous because I think I have been feeling the baby move lately. Once the doctor came in and listened to the babies heartbeat I thought I would be relieved but the weird thing is I'm not. I just can't get past this mental block I have of believing that things are o.k. I want to get excited about being pregnant and this new life but i just can't and I don't know why I am allowing myself to stay here. I actually felt a little depressed after the appt. and don't know why. I am hoping that once I start feeling the baby move these feelings I am having will pass.I haven't even gotten the maternity clothes out yet I just am wearing all of my clothes that have elastic. Praying for the Lord to give me peace through this.


Ali said...

I'll be praying for you too. I'm so glad that everything is going well! Thanks for the comments! My friend is actually continuing the ministy :D

Love y'all!

Unknown said...

Wow! Has it really been 16 weeks already??? Time sure is flying by!

I didn't get out my maternity clothes right away either, thank goodness for elastic! :)

I am so thankful for you that everything is going well. Keep trusting Jesus! You are doing a great job!