The title says it all. I am officially overdue. I have never been overdue with any of my babies so this is a very strange feeling for me. I am doing o.k. though. I know the baby will come soon it just feels like it can't be soon enough. I think I might be taking the baby ticker down so I don't have to be reminded everyday of how many days I have gone over.
The midwife comes today and i am going to finally have her check me because I want to know if my body has done anything yet. If it hasn't I will be pretty disappointed so let's pray that is not the news I get.
I do know through all of this pregnancy I have been really scared about the birth and I am now to the point where I am excited. Isn't it neat how God can work in our lives in every situation and we don't even realize he is doing amazing things. I spoke to one of my girlfriends last night and she was the one who mentioned this to me. She told me how she would listen to me talk about how nervous I was and now how excited I am to give birth and how God's hand has been at work on this the whole time. I don't know why I have gone over but I do believe God has been preparing me for this birth and he knows that now I am ready. What a great God we serve, he can take our fears away and in return he gives Hope and Peace. I will keep you all posted. Soon, soon, soon we will have that little blessing.
Hi! Saw your reply over at Adventures in Babywearing and came over to read your blog. Congrats on your little one about to arrive any day. May the Lord bless you with the most wonderful birth. I love the verse at the top of you page!
It has to be a boy! "Espn" is on his way! LOL!!! I can't wait to get the news - call me and let me know what Judy has to say! My phone is on!
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