I have sat here in a really weird mood these past couple of days. I have had many encouraging comments. Today I got a comment from a wonderful young lady whom I go to church with. When I read her comment all I could do was cry. I do not feel very strong today and I feel like I am just in a fog. I was encouraged because she could see my strength through this even though I can't. It made me realize that the Lord is carrying me through this and I don't have to do it alone. Two weeks ago tonight we found out that our baby had died. At that point I didn't know how I would get through one day let alone two weeks. But look we have made it and it has been up and down but we are getting better. I am still for some reason physically tired but I know that too will end.
Daddy has gone back to work and I think that was harder on him than he thought. Last night we talked and shared some of our thoughts about what has been going on. It made me realize that sometimes we forget that the Dad is grieving also. So prayers for daddy would be greatly appreciated right now. Thank you all of you who have been with us through this. I am really going to try to write a post that is just about life and the kids next time. Until then have a blessed day.
You are so right. You don't have to walk this alone. My son came to me yesturday and showed me something he had written on a piece a card board because he wanted to put a sign up in the house. Here is what it said, "Jesus is holding your right hand always and he loves you so much." How awsome to have a child remind us that He is holding our hand all the time. We continue to pray for your family.
You are so right. Our children can show us Jesus sometimes when we can't see Him. They have that child like FAITH!
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