Those who plant in tears will harvest SHOUTS OF JOY. They weep as they plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the HARVEST.

Psalm 126:5-6

Monday, March 29, 2010


Well it is officially here Elias' due date was today. It has not been that bad. I can't believe it has been 5 months since I was last pregnant and had a little belly with a little baby inside of me. I thought I would just die if I didn't get pregnant right away. Well I'm not dead and I'm not pregnant either. So I can say I will survive this journey. I am glad I have had this time to just be a mom. Most of the time I haven't really been a great one but I am trying. I can actually say I am so glad this day is here and almost over with. I was afraid of how I would feel and what I would think. I have been a little weepy today and a little tired but overall it has been just a normal Monday.

No baby for me to hold and cuddle this March 29th, 2010. I know He is in better hands thant mine so I will rest in this and know that I will hold Elias Arthur Lee in heaven someday. Thank you Lord for taking care of my littel boy for me.

Like I say 100 times a day I will reap a Harvest of Joy Psalm 126:5


Unknown said...

Aww, I knew the date was coming up but didn't know when. Hope the rest of the day goes by easily for you.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Victory!!!! So proud of you. But I heard you laugh with me several times today while we spoke, and I haven't heard you do that in a LONG time. Looking forward to our long talk over a diet coke while we're there visiting :o) We'll laugh some more then too!

Anonymous said...

In my heart, the heart of another mother, I mourn with you, even still, over your loss of Elias. This has obviously been a most difficult road for you. Even as your arms ache for him, I'm so glad to know you are looking forward to seeing him in heaven someday.